If you are learning to drive then the concept of having to complete a parallel park may seem like a daunting one.

Whether you are having to park in between two cars on the kerb or get into a parking bay, it is a skill you will certainly need to get a hang of.

There is a decent chance that you will need to complete such a manoeuvre in your test so it is not something you can afford to be lax on.

Here's a breakdown of how to effectively parallel park so that you can be prepared before being taught by your instructor.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Learner drivers may need to perform a parallel park in their testLearner drivers may need to perform a parallel park in their test (Image: File photo)

How to parallel park

When you're looking to parallel park next to a kerb, the AA recommends pulling up next to or very slightly ahead of the car that you'll be parking behind.

You should aim to leave a one-metre gap between the parked car and your vehicle when you pull up.

From here the AA recommends the following steps to complete the park:

  • Put the car into reverse gear and look around to make sure no cars are coming. Allow any traffic to pass you before you start the manoeuvre
  • Begin to reverse slowly
  • When the back of your car is level with the car next to you, turn the wheel left towards the kerb and check your right blind spot before the front of your car moves behind the parked car.
  • Turn so that you're around a 30-45 degree angle as you head into the space
  • Turn the wheel to the right away from the kerb when the front of your car is clear of the one in front
  • When you’re parallel to the kerb, straighten your steering wheel to get in line
  • Gently stop the car

Further guidance and a video on putting those instructions into practice can be found on the AA website.