Fearless thrill-seekers took a small step off Twickenham stadium last week to raise more £20,000 for the Commando Spirit Appeal on behalf of the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund.

The home of English rugby in Rugby Road became a daredevil’s paradise on Friday, October 5, attracting past England Rugby World Cup winner Andy Gomarsall MBE, injured former Royal Marine, turned motivational speaker, Andrew Grant, and residents.

Participants, along with the team of Royal Marine buddies, walked the plank on to the roof of the stadium before they abseiled the 39m drop as part of the Take the Leap event.

Being trained alongside the best, the Royal Marines shadowed each fundraiser throughout their challenge, giving them a taste of what it takes to be a Royal Marine Commando today.

Nick Bradley, from Strawberry Hill, said: “It was a fantastic day - the Royal Marines looked after all 20 of us who did the abseil and they are a great bunch of guys.

“They lead from the front into battle in some of the most dangerous places on the planet - but still manage to keep a big smile on their faces – that’s why I was so pleased to support the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund.

“I actually abseiled down from the corner of the south and east stands down to pitch-side. It is 130ft and I managed it twice – the first time was a little nervy but the second time I just flew down.

“So it was great fun, a great cause and my superb sponsors have come up with £1,600 - which is massively more than my £1,000 target - many thanks to them all.”

Each of the fundraisers will keep collecting donations until they reach their £1,000 target, which will altogether make the £20,000 target.

The abseil at Twickenham was the third in this year’s Take the Leap series, following on from the Descent of the Shard and Take the Leap at St Pancras.