A South African car crash which killed four of actress Helena Bonham Carter’s family was a “horrific and tragic accident”, a coroner said today.

Marcus Egerton-Warburton, 14, of Clare Lawn Avenue, Richmond, and his aunt Kay Bonham Carter, 54, of Richmond Road, Wandsworth, were among family members killed when a tyre burst on their safari minibus two years ago.

Westminster Coroner's Court heard how a glass object became embedded in a tyre while the family were driving, causing their vehicle to swerve and crash.

Both Marcus and his aunt were thrown clear of the crash and died at the scene.

Westminister coroner Paul Knapman said: “This court can hardly express the sorrow and sympathy to the court at these terrible deaths as a result of this accident.

“What an appalling tragedy.

“I don’t think anybody in my position can adequately express the feelings of this family who were one minute having what one suspects was a fantastic holiday and then for it all to end in this awful tragedy.”

The inquest, which had been delayed for almost 28 months as a result of problems getting records sent across from the South African police department, delivered a verdict of death due to a car accident for both Marcus and his aunt.

At the inquest, coroner’s officer Deborah Plant described Chelsea supporter Marcus in his brother Piers’ words.

She said: “Marcus was clever and exceptionally friendly. He was gregarious and loved to party.

“He could be stubborn but his loving nature more than made up for this, he was very strong in his convictions on what was right and wrong.

“Marcus [also] loved animals and somehow it seems fitting the last days of his short life were spent watching the animals he loved.

“Although a cliche he really was one in a million and is really missed by everyone lucky enough to know him.”

Graham Bonham Carter, who survived the crash, on August 28, 2008, also spoke of his memories of his wife at the inquest.

He said: “Kay embraced life to the full - her character was defined by her zest for life.

“She was physically and inwardly beautiful and couldn’t bring herself to say bad about anyone.

“Only a handful of people who come into our world and touch our lives and Kay was one of them.”