Hungry porkers are normally found inside a canteen rather that outside on the playing field.

But these two little pigs are putting their hunger to good use and helping to help clear land at the new East Isleworth Children’s Centre.

The land will be used for an outdoor playing area for youngsters attending the centre, at Marlborough Primary School in Isleworth.

Councillor Lily Bath, Hounslow Council’s lead member for children, youth and families, said: “As well as being a fantastic, environmentally-friendly way of clearing the ground, it’s a great way for the children to learn about animals and to get people interested in the new children’s centre before it opens.

"It’s an excellent natural way to clear the land, and the animals reduce the need for chemicals and mechanical interference on sites, and can also help in the removal of invasive weeds.

"Most importantly, the children love seeing them."

The pair of eight-week-old Oxford Sandy and Blacks have proved a big hit with pupils at the school who have named them after a popular British dish.

Laura Coady, acting deputy headteacher at the school, said: "The staff, parents and children have been so excited about having the pigs here, which we have named Bubble and Squeak.

"It’s lovely to see pupils bringing their parents around before and after school to show them the pigs and hear the conversations between them.

"Staff - and even one of our governors - have signed up for feeding duty at weekends and evenings and it’s really brought the community together."

The pigs will be on site for six weeks to clear the land, after which they will be returned to the landscaper Gavin Jones.

The East Isleworth Children’s Centre will open in September, and will offer a range of services for children under-5s and their families.

It is one of five new centres being built across the borough.