TWICKENHAM Conservatives were in fighting mood at their packed AGM at York House on Wednesday.

Retiring chairman Cllr Geoffrey Samuel set the scene with an up-beat annual report.

Referring to prospective parliamentary candidate Paul Maynard, he said: "We have a young, energetic candidate who represents the modern face of conservatism.

"Victory at the next election is now within our grasp."

London Assembly candidate and council leader Tony Arbour condemned Ken Livingstone, promising: "The first priority of a Conservative mayor and GLA will be the fight against crime."

Mr Maynard looked forward to the next election. He told the meeting that for the first time in recent history a government had lost the trust of the British people.

He said:"I have now met hundreds of local electors.

"They now recognise that only a vote for the Conservatives in Twickenham will ensure that we do not have a third Blair government".

Summing up the meeting, chairman-elect David Mapp said: "I am proud to be elected as chairman of this flourishing association.

"Conservatives are dedicated to public service.

"Whether it is Parliament, the London Assembly, Europe or our own council, we have the ideas and the people who can give best service to Britain."