CHILDREN, staff and governors at Isleworth Town Primary School are delighted with their recent successful OFSTED inspection.

Jonathan Bruce, Headteacher said: "We know that Isleworth Town is a good school and it is very pleasing that this is confirmed by our OFSTED inspection.

"Staff and children work very hard to achieve high standards and we are all well supported by our Governors and parents."

Some of the school's strengths quoted in the report included that; "There is good leadership and management"; "There is a lot of very good teaching and some that is excellent"; "Teachers plan well for individual special needs and carefully assess the progress of each pupil"; "Pupils' achievement and effort are recognised and celebrated, helping develop the confidence they need to improve" and "that music is entirely inclusive and embraces the whole of the school."

The school was also praised for having a good range of visitors, educational visits, extra curricular clubs and special events that give pupils lots of extra chances to learn, good links with parents and the community, and a better than average attendance. The report concluded by saying that: "All adults work hard to ensure that Isleworth Town School is a well ordered community that provides an undisturbed workplace, where pupils feel safe and secure. Pupils are valued equally"