BRENTFORD police are to start holding drop in surgeries at the Mission Hall for residents on the Haverfield and Towers Estate over the next six months.

The local police, a representative from Hounslow Homes, the Neighbourhood Wardens and the head of the Residents Association, will attend these surgeries, which will give residents the opportunity to report any incidences of anti-social behaviour, get advice on home security or any other related issues that they may have.

Conversations can be conducted in a private interview room at the request of residents that so wish. Tea and coffee will also be available.

If the surgeries prove to be successful, then police say it may become a regular service on the estates.

The surgeries will be held on the following dates; Monday April 5, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9 and September 13. All will take place between 3.15-5pm.

For further information, call 020 8247 5989.