RELIEVED residents are delighted a planning application for the erection of supported living for the elderly has been rejected by Richmond upon Thames Council.

Richmond Parish Lands Charity (RPLC) proposed the development of ten extra care' housing units on land bordering Richmond Park, between Chisholm Road and Stafford Place.

But those living on the Queens Road Estate, near Stafford Place, Richmond, raised objections back in January. Their reasons included the loss of the land as a place for children to play, the noise and inconvenience during construction and possible parking problems.

John Ford, a resident on Sayers Walk, who opposed the original application, said: "I am pleased. I didn't think it was the right thing in this area.

"But I continue to have reservations about any future development on this site."

In refusing the application, Richmond council's planning department cited the un-neighbourly nature of the development, which would be visually intrusive, the significant loss of important green open space and the potential loss of important trees. Planning officers were also concerned about the introduction of more vehicles to Stafford Place.

A spokesperson for RPLC said: "Various issues have been raised by the planners which they considered justified rejection of the scheme. We will consider amending the scheme before submitting further proposals for the site. We will also be considering points raised by the local community."

RPLC originally sought to withdraw the application when it became clear that Richmond council's planning department had objections. However, a decision was passed on February 13 citing residential objections and amenities as grounds for refusal.