Householders who have refused to return their electoral registration forms are facing the prospect of a £1,000 fine.

Letters warning of potential legal action were sent out to addresses where a member of the household refused to provide the necessary information to canvassers when they made home visits.

Deputy leader of Hounslow Council, Councillor Mark Bowen, said: “We decided to prosecute this small proportion of residents after our repeated requests were refused.

“Those who return their forms before the court date can still avoid the prospect of receiving a £1,000 fine.”

Last year 137 residents were prosecuted for failing to complete the registration form.

Sixty-eight completed the registration form before their court appearance and 20 provided valid personal reasons for not registering. Forty-nine residents were eventually fined, 14 were fined £85 and 35 were fined £50 each, plus £50 costs and a £15 surcharge at Brentford Magistrates’ Court.

Residents who require more information should contact the electoral services team on 020 8583 2095 or