A “dangerous” sexual predator from Lambeth has been jailed for multiple offences against eight different victims.

Police were called to reports that a woman had been raped in Marble Hill Park, Twickenham at around 8am on August 21, 2023.

CCTV footage in the area was reviewed and Louis Collins was arrested the same day at an address in Lambeth.

Two days later, the 29-year-old was charged with 13 offences in relation to this attack.

As the Metropolitan Police, British Transport Police and the City of London Police worked together to investigate, they linked Collins to six more incidents of violence and sexual offending that month.

He was subsequently charged with a further 15 offencestotalling 28 offences against eight different victims.

On Tuesday, July 16 he was sentenced to life imprisonment, to serve a minimum of eleven years and six months.

Detective Inspector Simon Sherlock, from the South West Command Unit, said: “Collins is a dangerous predator and the length of his sentence reflects the level of risk he poses to the public.

“Our thoughts today are with the women he subjected to sexual violence, and I would like to thank them for their bravery and help with our investigation.

“By working with our colleagues at British Transport Police and City of London Police, we are able to link Collins to a number of offences, and he has now been held to account.

“The Met is working hard to tackle violence against women and girls, and we are committed to identifying offenders and bringing them before the courts.

"While there is no evidence at this time to suggest further offending by Collins, I would urge anyone who may be a victim to please come forward and speak with us.

“If you do not want to contact officers, there are a number of charities and organisations that can offer you support."