A grim 24 hours across London has seen a man stabbed on a bus and four people left injured after a shooting.

This only includes incidents that Newsquest London is aware of and has reported on.

The incidents unfolded on May 29 in Dalston and Camberwell. 

Information about each incident is from the Metropolitan Police.

Man in his 60s taken to hospital after stabbing on Lewisham bus

A man in his 60s was taken to hospital after a stabbing on a bus in Camberwell.

It happened on a route 436 Lewisham bus in Camberwell New Road shortly before 9pm on May 29.

He was taken to hospital for treatment where his condition was assessed as non life threatening.

No arrests have been made as police enquiries continue.

Girl, 9, fighting for life and three injured after shooting in Dalston

A nine-year-old girl is fighting for her life and three others were left injured after a shooting in Dalston.

Multiple shots were fired from a motorcycle at Evin restaurant in Kingsland High Street at 9.20pm on May 29.

The girl, who was having dinner with her family inside the restaurant, was hit by one of the bullets fired.

Three men – aged 26, 37 and 42 – who were sitting outside the restaurant were rushed to hospital with gunshot wounds.

Their condition has been described as stable, but one potentially faces life-changing injuries.

Police have said they do not believe the girl was known to the injured men, describing her as “an innocent victim of the indiscriminate nature of gun crime”.

A spokesperson for the Met added that the gun was fired from a stolen motorbike that was later found abandoned nearby.

No arrests have been made as police enquires continue.