Warnings that new flight paths will "criss-cross" the borough emerged this week as residents geared up to discuss Heathrow expansion plans.

Previously unseen government maps show that important green spaces, such as Osterley Park, would face continuous noise from aircraft if the proposals for a third runway are approved.

The maps show a new take-off route over Brentford, Bedford Park, Acton and Paddington.

The Department for Transport said the maps, which are part of the current consultation document but which have not been delivered to households, were just "indicative" and would be further discussed later this year in a separate consultation by National Air Traffic Services.

But, the chairman of the pressure group Hacan ClearSkies, John Stewart, said that if things stayed as they were, Hounslow and Ealing would be covered in flight paths.

He said: "Hounslow and Ealing boroughs will be hit hard if these plans go ahead.

"It is laughable for the Transport Secretary, Ruth Kelly, to say there will be less noise if expansion takes place."

Third runway planes would fly over High Street Kensington, Holland Park, Hammersmith, Bedford Park, Norwood Green, Southall and Heston before descending to land over Harlington.

The consultation to gauge public opinion on an extra runway and on ending runway alternation - which gives residents half a day's rest from air noise - ends on February 27.

On January 15, residents will meet at St Michael and All Angels' Church in Priory Avenue, Chiswick, to discuss plans.

A public discussion will take place at Hounslow Council, the Civic Centre, Hounslow, on January 22. The Department for Transport will hold an exhibition at Holiday Inn, Brentford, on January 16.