An online map has indicated the places in and around Richmond that have had cases of a deadly disease for dogs.

Alabama Rot, also known as CRGV, is a disease that affects all dog breeds no matter age, weight or size.

If the disease is not spotted and treated quickly it can lead to potentially fatal and sudden kidney failure.

It is thought that Alabama Rot is picked up on muddy walks on paws and legs, so washing off mud is vital to help protect dogs.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: The map shows one case was reported in Richmond earlier this yearThe map shows one case was reported in Richmond earlier this year

Signs to look out for are skin lesions, a patch of red skin or an open ulcer, sore skin around the elbow or knee, and kidney failure which includes vomiting, reduced hunger and unusual tiredness.

An online interactive map is available online to see the hotspots in specific areas, created by Vets4pets.

What is Alabama Rot?

It's a deadly disease that effects the blood vessels in dogs and can lead to kidney failure.

Its scientific name is cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV). It affects all breeds of dog.

At the moment, the only way of confirming Alabama Rot is to analyse kidney tissue after a dog has died.

What causes it?

That's as yet unknown.

It's thought to be linked to toxins caused by bacteria.

How can I prevent my dog getting it?

Currently, there's no known way to prevent it. But there are thing you can do to mitigate the risks. First of all, it's important to know that cases are rare.

It's important to familiarise yourself with the symptoms so you can spot them right away.

It's thought dogs might pick it up on their paws, legs and noses on muddy walks. So always:

  • Keep your dog away from very muddy areas
  • Wash off mud as soon as the walk is finished
  • Regularly check for skin lesions

If in doubt, call the vet.

How can it be treated?

Dogs only showing skin ulcers will usually have non-invasive treatment.

But dogs showing signs of kidney problems will need more intensive treatment.

Although the disease is very rare, survuval rates are low.

Hence why prevention is so important.

For more information, visit