Sir,-I feel I must join in the long running debate over the Richmond Arms and whether or not it is a friendly pub.

As a gay man of the world, who frequents pubs in the West End and in other capitals, I would like to confirm what your correspondent stated last week about the Richmond Arms being provincial and unfriendly to non regular gays, women and straights!

I have called in on many occasion - not in search of a sexual partner but hoping to find some civilised and friendly conversation.

I have tried to strike up conversations - but always without success.

The regulars there seem intent on fraternising with their friends and send out vibrations which say - this is a club for the in-crowd!

I am glad that the women who wrote were given a warm welcome and my experience generally is that they will find a friendly safe atmosphere in most gay pubs - be it New York, Capetown, Sydney or London.

But the Richmond Arms needs to extend the hand of friendship in a more customer friendly fashion - if it is not to get the homosexual world a bad name!-Ron Pearson, Chiswick Lane, Chiswick.

Sir,-So, judging from the continuous stream of letters of supporters printed in RTT, Richmond is to become the gay capital of Surrey or so any readers would think so.

It has been said that as every civilisation passes its peak, its tolerance of misbehaviour and decadence becomes the norm.

It seems Richmond society is reflecting that trend. The truth which always goes unsaid (maybe not this time?) is this. Homophiles claim their lifestyle and behaviour to be normal.

Paedophiles seek the lowering of the ages of consent and Zoophiles are reported more frequently, but what all these types of men have in common, and at their root of behaviour, is certain men's self-gratifying tendency to put their wedding tackle where it don't belong (indisputable fact).

You'll call me a homophobe I am sure, (and most of you would claim to be homophobes or zoophobes) but no, I am the tip of a silent majority who don't subscribe to those lifestyles as being normal, anything but!-Ralph Shadbolt (the raving ayatollah - as one of your letter writers amusingly once called me), Sheendale Road, Richmond.