THOUSANDS of headstones and memorials will be laid flat on the ground in the borough's cemeteries because they are too unstable and dangerous to stay upright, Richmond upon Thames Council has decreed.

The decision was made at Tuesday's cabinet meeting to minimise the risk of injury caused by unsafe memorials. The cost of repairs, which could be as much as £1,000, will fall to the memorial owner.

But where the owner cannot be traced or is unwilling or unable to pay for repairs, the memorials will remain on the ground because the council does not have the estimated £250,000 needed to repair them.

Over a period of five years, the number of gravestones needing repairs could be as many as 5,000.

The news has raised concerns amongst many residents who fear that the memories of loved ones will not be respected.

Twickenham MP Vincent Cable, who lost his wife to cancer last year, said: "It is very sad. I spend quite a lot of time at Twickenham cemetery where my wife is buried, I go down there a couple of times a week sometimes.

"I know how much it matters to people that the cemeteries are kept in good condition and that proper respect is given for the dead.

"The council really must show a great deal of sensitivity and do everything possible to identify the families and involve them wherever possible. There are hundreds if not thousands of people for whom the cemetery is enormously important emotionally and some expenditure of public funds is necessary."