New CCTV cameras in the north west of the borough are set to offer residents more protection with an extra police eye on the streets.

In Hampton North, three new CCTV camera pods have been installed in an effort to reduce crime in the area.

The new pods, which have four cameras to observe an area, have been created by Community CCTV and have the ability to save footage from 14 days, see in the dark and do not need to be monitored from a control room as the police can log on to the system from a laptop computer.

Graeme Perkins, creator of the Community CCTV concept, has been working closely with Sergeant Jen Dickson, from Hampton North Safer Neighbourhood Team, prior to the cameras' introduction.

The pods are part of a partnership between Community CCTV, the police, local schools, Richmond Council, local housing association Richmond Housing Partnership (RHP) and Sgt Dickson has been working with Caroline Hand, from RHP, who raised the money to fund the first two pods, to initiate the scheme, the first of its kind in the borough.

The partnership are hopeful of success given that when pods have been placed in other boroughs crime statistics show a decrease in offences of, on average, 50 per cent and footage has led to successful convictions.