Fireworks will light up the Richmond skyline next week, with a number of displays taking place across the borough.

Barnes Sports Club hosts its annual bonfire night on Saturday, November 1, with people encouraged to take part in the 'Best Guy' competition.

Families in Richmond can enjoy the display at Richmond Athletic Ground the following evening, with entertainment starting at 5.30pm.

Entertainment will be provided by the Richmond Rock Choir before the main event.

St Catholic's Primary School in Twickenham is holding a fireworks night on November 7, before Collis School in Teddington hosts its event the next day.

Carlisle Infant School in Hampton holds its display on November 7 and Orleans Park School carries on the festivities on Sunday, November 9.

Attractions will include hot food, crepes, music, a bar, mulled wine, a Tuck Shop, glow toys and a raffle for the chance to "detonate" the professional firework.

Mathilda Hayes, Orleans Park’s PTA co-chairman, says: "We are delighted to be working with so many other local schools on what will be a really brilliant event for the whole family." Other displays include the Ham and Petersham Sea Scouts and the National Physical Labororatory in Teddington on November 1.

For more information on local firework displays, visit