With the long looming Twickenham town centre redevelopment beginning, people have questioned the lengthy schedule and necessity of certain sign placements.

Below is an overview of the redevelopments and the timeline for when each will be carried out, although plans may be subject to change.

At the moment there are no plans to close any roads to carry out the works, with engineers working around traffic and pedestrians as much as possible.

The Planning Inspector has approved the 15-year plans, but with a number of stipulations Richmond Council must meet.

Councillor Virginia Morris, the council’s cabinet member for environment, said: “I am pleased that the inspector was supportive of our plans and vision for Twickenham.

“I hope when residents read the final plan, they will see many of the ideas they generated have been included and can see that the plans will encourage a strong local economy whilst making the most of the area’s distinctive heritage.”

Any queries or to report any problems, contact the environment directorate via Highways and Transport London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham TW1 3BZ, call 0845 6122660 or email highwaysandtransport@richmond.gov.uk.

To see the full plan, visit richmond.gov.uk/twickenham_area_action_plan.


  • July 2013: launch of consultation on Garfield Road improvements/20mph/Holly Road contraflow/banned right turn into Church Street.
  • June-December 2013: Replacing the kerbs, repaving footway in York Street with Yorkstone and improving the junction at Arragon Road.
  • October-December 2013: Junction improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the junction of King Street/Cross Deep/Heath Road and the relocation of the bus stops from King Street.
  • January-May 2014: Pavement and footway improvements (widening) in King Street, installation of advisory cycle lane, relocation of pedestrian crossing, no peak time right turn down Water Lane.
  • February-May 2014: New paving, improvement to roads and pavements in Church Street.
  • July-September 2014: Junction improvements and traffic signal upgrade at the junctions of King Street/York Street and London Road/Arragon Road.
  • September 2014-March 2015: London Road improvement of pavements and installations of advisory cycle lanes.

Richmond and Twickenham Times: Twickenham town centre plans put into action

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