To mark Thursday's Heathrow consultation drop-in in Richmond, campaigners came together to protest the proposed third runway.

The Richmond Heathrow Campaign (RHC) was joined by MP Zac Goldsmith and councillors.

Heathrow began its latest consultation in January.

On January 17, the airport unveiled a number of new proposals such as tunnelling the M25, the location of expanding terminal facilities and three options for the length of the new runway varying between 3,200 metres and 3,500 metres.

Peter Willan, chairman of RHC, said: "Heathrow’s consultation on Airport Expansion contains detail on design of the airport, such as runway length but this is difficult to relate to the inevitable road congestion, overcrowding on public transport and environmental impacts of noise and air pollution that are so very important to the health and well-being of Richmond residents.

"These two Heathrow consultations are premature and incompatible with Government forecasts. Heathrow’s promises on limiting noise and air pollution and ensuring surface access are far from being legally binding."

The group has "considerable doubts" the expansion will go ahead.

Mr Willan added: "Legal tests on air quality may also prohibit the project, defer it or make it too expensive to deliver. Significantly, the project is so expensive it may not be financially deliverable."

The consultation drop-in will take place today (February 15) at Richmond Adult Community College. 

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